Strange plants know how to “tolerant” the desert.

Dry soil and sand dust are the words that best describe the characteristics of desert areas – the place with the harshest climate on Earth with an average annual rainfall of less than 250mm/year.

During the day, the temperature here can be hot above 60 degrees Celsius and very low at night about -45 degrees Celsius. Although the weather conditions are extremely harsh, in fact, the desert ecosystem is quite diverse. . The flora here is quite well adapted to environmental conditions thanks to the ability to store water, especially the spiny plants.

Let’s explore how the plants are able to adapt to life here!

1. Desert Rose

Desert roses are found in the dry climate of sub-Saharan Africa. This is one of the most colorful flowering plants in these deserts with the scientific name Adenium obesum (or Kudu). Sharing the same characteristics as other species in the desert, Kudu stores water for the dry season with its swollen roots and roots. However, the resin extracted from this species is very toxic and it is used for hunting by local people… Therefore, if you happen to encounter them in the desert, it is advised that you do not pay attention to the flower. this rose.

2. Giant cactus

If you talk about the desert, you will probably think of cacti, but the size of the species here is often larger than normal or very large, especially the Saguaro cactus, which people often call cacti. giant. This species is endemic to the Mexican desert. After the rains, this cactus often absorbs a huge amount of water, the weight at this time can be up to 750 – 900kg.

They are pollinated by birds, bees and mainly bats; Flowering around April and red (sweet, edible) fruit in late June. The rate of plant growth is highly dependent on rainfall, however, even if the rainfall is below average, the amount of water stored can still help the species prodυce flowers and fruits each year. The product obtained from this species is quite appreciated by the local people.

The longest life of this species is up to 150 years, but did you know, if you lose a branch, it takes half its life time (about 75 years) to grow a new branch.

3. Flower “Century”

Another species of flowering plant in the desert, does it sound strange to you about its name? Actually, the scientific name of this species is Agave Americana. However, it is not without reason that there is such a unique name. The reason is that in its life stage, it only flowers oпce. With harsh weather like the Mexican desert, this flower is known for its incredible ability to survive, regardless of cold or dry weather, regardless of acidic or alkaline soil, they live and grow very well.

You can see the shape of its leaves, thanks to such a structure that they catch water from the rain and bring it down to the roots! In addition, the sap of this plant is used as a diuretic and laxative. The juice of the leaves can cure bruises and digestive ailments. Not only the leaves, sap but also flowers from this species are also used as daily dishes. It’s magical, isn’t it?

4. prickly pear tree

The prickly pear tree is a strain of the cactus family, they have up to 200 different species and are concentrated in the Mexican desert. In particular, prickly pear can be used as a drink with a sour taste. However, have you seen the tiny thorns on their bodies and fruits, if you are not careful, they can stick right to the skin, causing discomfort in the throat and tongue if you eat or drink them.

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